Backing up your Seed Key

Swype is not liable for lost crypto funds. Please be sure to back up your seed key(s).

There are multiple ways to back up your Seed Key(s). You can either write it down on paper and store it in a safe spot, an encrypted backup to your personal device or both. Never share your seed keys with anyone. If you share it with anyone they have access to all of the funds in your wallet.

As soon as your Swype account is ready to use with all features unlocked, you will be be faced with a 'Back up wallets to iCloud' prompt, please do the same so that your seed key (s) can be successfully backed up.

You can always go to account details to see if that is indeed the case. If you have not backed up your seed key (s) when initially prompted, you can go ahead and do do so when viewing your personal/wallet details by tapping the Settings icon on the top right of your home screen.

Last updated