Swype Bank Account

Unlock Banking for your account to complete onboard and officially begin your journey with Swype

Swype bank accounts are held with Evolve Bank & Trust. They possess all the features of a traditional bank account, and work identically to every other bank account you've ever used before.

Swype V3. home-screen after verification

Banking widget once account has been verified and KYC completed

Our bank accounts require KYC compliance due to federal laws, but our crypto wallets do not. To ensure an optimal experience with Swype, we recommend verifying your information with us. Swype does not own or sell any of your data. All sensitive data you input is sent directly and securely to our banking partners for processing.


Any funds in your Swype account can in turn be spent through:

  • ATMs

  • Debit Cards

  • Wire Transfers

  • ACH Push & Pull

  • Digital Checks

Also, your Swype account is FDIC insured for up to $250,000, and comes with native crypto features, such as the ability to directly convert fiat in your account to crypto or to convert crypto from your wallet to fiat in your account.

Any funds in your Crypto wallet are NOT INSURED. Only funds in your bank account are. Your wallet is non-custodial, and Swype does not bear responsibility for any loss of assets in your wallet.

Last updated